Monday, April 16, 2012

Outside Reading

I have just got through reading from chapter four to eight. The chapters seemed to get lenghty at the end but I enjoyed them. I didn't enjoy them as much as I did the first few but they were ok. There weren't as many clues that caught my eye these few chapters but i did notice one that had me on the heels of my feet. Warrent gets into the poetry club thats after school, and bonds with the group. Warrent develops good skills when it comes to rhyming words and relating phrases. A similar person in the group who has the same interest as Warrent is named Johnnie Blackberry. Johnnie is in the 11th grade and makes a rap group. Their name is the Bombshells. Johnnie takes him under his wing and adds Warrent to the group. Warrent begins to recieve gifts from Johnnie such as exclusive track gear, and the latest shoes. I hope this doesn't go to far, and Warrent begins to get into the things that Johnnie is doing. The story is getting quite interesting and is keeping me curious.

Grams finds out about the gifts beause Johnnie came to their door one mourning to bring him to school in his dodge charger. Grams recognizes the boy beause she taught his mother, father, and cousins at Polk Senior High School in Queens. She told Warrent that he needs to stay away from them because he is a bad seeds. His brother and him were on the news for robbing a corner store and injuring 4 people who worked at the store. She said that they are nothing but trouble. I kind of figured that he was a dealing with violence because he has the nicest car, duffle bags of money, alcohol in his car, and cigarettes. His name also speaks for itself although their is a twist to it. His name is Johnnie Blackberry, I kind of think that because in most cartoons the anti good ones wear black, and that sexactly what he wears. He isn't really goth he just has his own style. Similar to Johnnie Appleseed, he wants to spread their music all throughout the streets of New York and expand another buisness that he's heavily investing in. He never told Warrent what type but he said it was very important.

outside reading-
Monday (12:30 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.)
Wedensday( 3:45 p.m. to 4:25 p.m)
Friday (11:15 a.m. to 12:34 p.m.)

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