Monday, April 30, 2012

Common Errors List

Paul Johnson Jr.


English Common Errors List

Common Errors List:

1. Working on length and Closing paragraphs

Example= breaking upthe paragraphs to keep the paragraph moving

2. Fragments involving subordinating conjunctions

Example= since, as, though, although, even, if

3. My voice wasn’t cognitive or affective

Example= Now if you had the best handwriting in the class, wouldn't you want to show it off and brag about it?

4. Organization

Order, Transition, and Conclusion

5. Missing commas where they are needed and commas that need to be eliminated

Example= For example my grandfather wrote his signature on bills, very awkward.

(eliminate the comma) For example my grandfather wrote his signature on bills very awkward.

Writing Over The Year; Reflection

Paul Johnson Jr.




English has always been one of my favorite subjects since the 1st grade. I've always enjoyed writing wether it was poetry, papers, homework, whatever the case was I enjoyed it. I love jotting down thoughts in my mind because it's like a sign of relief for me. When I was in middle school, I really didn't have trouble writing papers in eight grade. Althoug, I did have trouble with fixing certain tools in my papers. I didn't think that those problems would be a big challenge for me so I overlooked them. When I arrived to ninth grade, I didn't really think that it would be any worst than eight grade. But I had another thing coming. After the first paper, I got a huge wake up call, and knew that it was time for me to step my game up.

Over the course of the year, in English class, we have written many papers that dealt with many different interesting topics. The types of papers that we did were Research Papers,Global Issue Papers, Profiles, Literary Narratives, and Literary Analyses. Some of the papers such as the Research papers, Literary Narrative and the Profile assignments weren't that difficult for me. Those three were actually easier for me because my eight grade teacher use to make us do different types of papers and critic types of papers like these. So, I already had a vision of the paper, and wasn't really stressed about it being new to me. I also enjoyed writing about my mother's career as a teacher, my struggles with writing styles, and the anti-death penalty. These topics were some that Dr. D gave us the chance to select out of. And when we were doing them I chose them because I enjoyed having the opportunity to choose a topic which is interesting to me. Although, my bad habits from my eight grade year came back to haunt me. I had a difficult time with conventions in these three essays. I did a poor job with using an effective voice and using particular conventions. Now I've gotten rid of these bad habits and only use certain techniques such as cognitive and affective approaches to help develop my papers.

Also I had a difficult time with the Global Issues Paper, and the Literary Analysis Paper. I didn't really have a good feel for how to develop a strong thesis and facts that actually back up the statement. I always had to start over and over again when it came to my thesis statement for both papers. And this carried over to me having trouble with my organization. I was uncertain where to put certain facts and I was kind of stressed. The Literary Analyses for example was the paper that I lost points on in these three areas because I had a difficult time when it came to supporting the whole topic. I also think that it was harder than the Global Issues paper because it was a paper that I wasn't that familiar with.

One particular thing that really got to me, was adding your cited sources inside your Global Issues paper. Every year, I've did papers on research and thought that this was going to be like any other one i've done in the past. Although, I didn't realize that citing sources would have been difficult for me. The different ways that you had to cite the sources by the places that you collectted the information from was defintley a struggle. I was putting certain cited sources in the wrong format which could've cost me points off on my Global Issues Paper. Although, I'm glad that we had a chance to go to Dr. D for help because that sure did benefit me. Now I know how to cite the sources from magzines, books, newspapers, web pages, and etc. way better.

From reviewing all of the papers that i've completed in the past, I've noticed that I have three strong strengths and three weakenesses. From the general comments that I've recieved, I noticed that my strengths were in Sentence Structure, Word Choice, Ideas and Mechanics. I felt that with the Profile, Literary Analyses, and the Global Issues Paper I did a good job drawing interest with my ideas in these three papers. And I also supported them well which lead to the sentences flowing together quite nicely. Although, I also noticed many weakenesses as well. I often have errors in my papers with Organization, Voice, and Conventions. I've been struggling with organization sometimes because I feel the need to talk about so much. And I often seperate important information into the wrong places. I also lose control of my voice sometimes. I didn't have that buisness like approach when presenting. I had a laid back type of approach which wasn't very affective at all. Also there were certain little punctuations and grammar that i needed to tighten on. Although with the the help from Dr. D, I'm learning from these mistakes and improving my self into a stronger writter.

Last year, I didn't take the WRAP test at all last year. I took a differetn types of test, btu i feel way more proud of myself this year because I did way better. I got 4's and 4.5's on every category except conventions. I feel that on some sentences i tried to fit too much information and it ended up leading to fragments. But I feel that I did a good job with Mechanics, Word Choice, Organization, Overall Development and Sentence Structure. I think that all of these scroes were high because I had an interest for the topic. It was so much easier with having a interest for the topic. I expected the scores to be this way because i felt as though I've achieved my goal in getting rid of these the old habbits I had before highs school, and developing better ones. Which will improve my skills.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Song Analysis; Drake "Find Your Love"

Find Your Love Lyrics: Drake

I’m more than just an option
Hey, Hey, Hey
refuse to be forgotten
Hey, Hey, Hey
I took a chance with my heart
Hey, Hey, Hey
And I feel it taking over

I better find your lovin’
I better find your heart
I better find your lovin’
I better find your heart
I better find your lovin’
I better find your heart
I bet if i give all my love
then nothings gonna tear us apart

I’m more than just a number
Hey, Hey, Hey
I doubt you’ll find another
Hey, Hey, Hey
so every single summer
Hey, Hey, Hey
I be the one that you remember

and I better find your lovin
I better find your heart
I better find your lovin
I better find your heart
I better find your lovin
I better find your heart
I bet if i give all my love,
then nothings gonna tear us apart

it’s more than just a mission
Hey, Hey, Hey
you hear but you don’t listen
Hey, Hey, Hey
You better pay attention
Hey, Hey, Hey
and get what you been missing


too many times I’ve been wrong
I guess being right takes too long

I’m done waiting,

theres nothing left to do

but give all I have to you and

I better find your lovin
I better find your heart
I better find your lovin
I bet if I give all my love,
then nothings gonna tear us apart

I bet if I give all my love,
then nothings gonna tear us apart

Courtesy of

This song that i chose is one of the hits by one of the most popular artist in today's music industry, Drake. The song is titled "Find Your Love". I am a big fan of Drake and this song is one of my favorites from the album before his previous one called, "Thank Me Later". This song is the second single from the album and it was helped produced by Kanye West. Drake and Kanye West designed the song which has sort of a similar pop tune. It was way different from the other songs because this one poured out his feelings about his lifestyle dealing with women and relationships. There were many phrases such as "I better find your loving" and "I better find your heart". These lines showed repitition all throughout the chorus to symbolize that he is sick and tired of falling at first sight with the women that isn't mrs.right for him. I noticed that there were a few rhyme schemes as well. In verse one Drake sings," I’m more than just a number/ Hey, Hey, Hey/I doubt you'll find another/Hey, Hey, Hey/So every single summer/Hey, Hey, Hey/I be the one that you remember." I think that this verse is similar to a Monorhyme. Also an example of "ABAB" would be when Drake sings in the 2nd verse," It's more than just a mission/ Hey, Hey, Hey/You hear but you don't listen/ Hey, Hey, Hey/You better pay attention/Hey, Hey, Hey/ and get what you been missing." The words mission and attention both have that particular sound. As well as the words listen and mising from the verses which make up that the rhyme scheme is "ABAB".

In Drake's opening verse, which is verse one,"I'm more then just an option/ Hey, Hey, Hey/ Refuse to be forgotten/ Hey, Hey, Het// I took a chance with my heart/ Hey, Hey, Hey/ And I feel it taking over." I feel that he is trying to show that he wants to have a major impact on people in a way that they will stay for both the relationship and his music. Also I feel that when he says that, " And I feel it taking over" he is referring to previuos experience or a present relationship and how he has risked his time for this woman. So now he feels confident and positive that his heart made the right descision, and now he is going to let his heart lead the way because he's in perfect condition with this woman. Another thing that I noticed in the song was the way that the Chorus before last begins to change a bit. He stops the mood and tells the woman that" Too many times I've been wrong/ I guess being right takes too long/ I'm done waiting/ Theres nothing left to do but give all I have to you." This statement by Drake indicates that too many times he has constantly fallen for the wrong woman. This has been going on for a while now and he can't stop because of his anxiousness. He is determinded to find the right woman and end his quest for love once and for all. Overall this song by Drake was to show how even though Drake didn't have success in his previous relationships that he'll continue his journey to search for the right woman for him.

Outside Reading

I have just got through reading from chapter four to eight. The chapters seemed to get lenghty at the end but I enjoyed them. I didn't enjoy them as much as I did the first few but they were ok. There weren't as many clues that caught my eye these few chapters but i did notice one that had me on the heels of my feet. Warrent gets into the poetry club thats after school, and bonds with the group. Warrent develops good skills when it comes to rhyming words and relating phrases. A similar person in the group who has the same interest as Warrent is named Johnnie Blackberry. Johnnie is in the 11th grade and makes a rap group. Their name is the Bombshells. Johnnie takes him under his wing and adds Warrent to the group. Warrent begins to recieve gifts from Johnnie such as exclusive track gear, and the latest shoes. I hope this doesn't go to far, and Warrent begins to get into the things that Johnnie is doing. The story is getting quite interesting and is keeping me curious.

Grams finds out about the gifts beause Johnnie came to their door one mourning to bring him to school in his dodge charger. Grams recognizes the boy beause she taught his mother, father, and cousins at Polk Senior High School in Queens. She told Warrent that he needs to stay away from them because he is a bad seeds. His brother and him were on the news for robbing a corner store and injuring 4 people who worked at the store. She said that they are nothing but trouble. I kind of figured that he was a dealing with violence because he has the nicest car, duffle bags of money, alcohol in his car, and cigarettes. His name also speaks for itself although their is a twist to it. His name is Johnnie Blackberry, I kind of think that because in most cartoons the anti good ones wear black, and that sexactly what he wears. He isn't really goth he just has his own style. Similar to Johnnie Appleseed, he wants to spread their music all throughout the streets of New York and expand another buisness that he's heavily investing in. He never told Warrent what type but he said it was very important.

outside reading-
Monday (12:30 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.)
Wedensday( 3:45 p.m. to 4:25 p.m)
Friday (11:15 a.m. to 12:34 p.m.)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Outside reading

I've just started reading a book called, "Promises". "Promises" is a story about a underprivellaged who stays in some of the worst conditions in the whole state of new York. His enviorment isn't the best but he seems to have a good understanding of what is right from wrong. His parents are not always there for him. They are hooked on drugs and are never home. So the main character, Warrent leaves the house and goes next door to a women named Grams. Grams isn't really Warrent's grandmother, she is actually a close friend of the family that knows their conditions and wants Warrent to strive. Often times he seems to struggle but Grams always keeps him on track. She always tells him to "Stay on the track." Overall this is actually a good story. It contains some violence here and there but is a real heart warming book. I have only read the first three chapters and it has pulled me in. My interest level has increaded drastically. I love the way the author also known as Warrent tells the story. He has a great personality, and is a very mature kid to say that he is only in the ninth grade. I would advise this book to many readers who follow Paul Langan because the author tells us before you read that he is one of her insperations.

I like how the author uses a lot of different techniques throughout the story. Warrent is actually a track star at his school, and Grams wants him to be successful in that as well but also tells him to stay on track with your education. The author also uses imagery when she talks to Warrent about her parents and how they got addicted to the wrong things even though they were high school scholars in education and sports. And she tells him that she wants him to be her "vow". I noticed that promise also a synonym of a vow. Also his name as well. The author doesn't just use imagery. She also shows us symbolism with certain things that Grams shows Warrent when he comes over. She gives him old poems that she use to write about hard times that she has. And it seems that the poems let loose Warrent's anger with his parents addictions. They are very powerful and I figure that since these poems have such an impact on him that he will eventually begin to write about his problems because he is thinking about joining a rap group after school.

4-1-12 (sunday 3:45 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.) 45 minutes
4-1-12(sunday 6:24 p.m.- 7:45) 1 hour and 21 minutes

Poem Analysis on "Fifth Grade Autobiography" by Rita Dove

"Fifth Grade Autobiography" by Rita Dove

I was four in this photograph fishing
with my grandparents at a lake in Michigan.
My brother squats in poison ivy.
His Davy Crockett cap
sits squared on his head so the raccoon tail
flounces down the back of his sailor suit.

My grandfather sits to the far right
in a folding chair,
and I know his left hand is on
the tobacco in his pants pocket
because I used to wrap it for him
every Christmas. Grandmother's hips
bulge from the brush, she's leaning
into the ice chest, sun through the trees
printing her dress with soft
luminous paws.

I am staring jealously at my brother
the day before he rode his first horse, alone.
I was strapped in a basket
behing my grandfather.
He smelled of lemons. He's died----

but I remember his hands.

I just got finished reading the poem called "Fifth Grade Autobiography" by Rita Dove from our poetry book. From glancing at the title of the poem, I figured it is about someone's past events from fifth grade. I wasn't really sure about what type of poem it was but I think I have a good picture of what it was.

Once I read "Fifth Grade Autobiography", I noticed a lot of different things afterwards. I saw that it was actually a narrative poem which was one of my particular guesses. It is a story that was told about and around a certain picture which describes the enjoyable moments with the family. I was wondering also if the title "Fifth Grade Autobiography" was relevant to like when she was looking through a old template that had her fifth grade experiences. Also I circled many examples of emjambments from a few stanzas.I noticed a lot of imagery in certain stanzas, particularly stanza's 1 and 2. The next one that follwed two which contained a few words that stuck out which revealed feelings toward her brother. At the end of the poem, the poem did a good job to me at exhibiting caesuras which puts like a bold print on the last few words of the line to show more emphasis. In this poem the author does so by describing her grandfather's hand.