Sunday, February 26, 2012

Whitney Houston will be missed

A few weeks ago, one of the most memorable singers of all time pasted away.  She was a African-American who was known for being a producer, actress, actor, and a model.  She was one of the best-selling music artist that have sold over 170 million singles, and videos across the globe.  She also was awarded in 2009 as the most-awarded female artist of all-time.  She has sold seven albums that turned diamond, mulit-platinum, platinum, and gold.
If you haven’t guessed already guessed, this famous artist was Whitney Houston.  Whitney Houston changed the music industry with her beautiful voice and has inspired many young artist, as well.  She actually took a tour around the world and gave out speeches and lessons to various amateur up incoming artist.  She has changed many people’s lives around the world, and I applaud Whitney Houston for her career, and what all she has done for many people.  I remember my 5th grade graduation, my teacher made us practice a Whitney Houston song for the graduation.  None of us really wanted to sing it, but when it was time for the graduation the song really brought us together.  I remember a lot of people crying and how the song made others that more determined to strive for greatness.  Now as the years go by, I still remember that song till this day (Greatest Love of All).

1 comment:

  1. Paul will be missed. At first when I heard of her death I had new clue who she was but I did find out that i did know one of her songs. Paul good post and overall topic.
